Saturday, 7 July 2018

Curup Overview

Curup Overview

I live in Curup which is a small town in Bengkulu province, Indonesia. Curup is a quite peaceful place where you will never see any malls, movies, franchise restaurants, or big factories. Everything related to the modernity are absent here. Luckily, if you still want to hang out to the cinemas you can go to either Bengkulu city or Lubuk Linggau city. They are completely more modern than my town. If you need to go there, you can reach them with around two hour drive from Curup.

Some regard Curup as a wonderful place cause you will discover many trees, rice fields, lakes, orange gardens, and cacao gardens. The air is strongly fresh as the consequence we rarely breathe polluted air. The hottest temperature reaches 27˚ C, and the coldest is 16˚ C.

These are the views of my town.

The native people of Curup are called Rejangnese. They speak Bahasa Rejang and have light skins. Not only Rejangnese, Curup is also lived by people from various tribes such as Javanese, Bataknese, Sundanese, Padangnese, and etcetera who live in complete harmony of nature.

If you come my town, make sure your eyes are ready to see tons of epic views.
Below are some of special places you can visit here:

1. Mas Harun Bastari Lake

2. Flower Gardens

3. Madapi Forest

4. Suban Hot Spring

5. Kepala Curup Falls
6. Bukit Kaba Mountain

Finally, I want to tell you actually I, myself, moved to Curup in 2011, therefore I just know a little bit about this town, but one thing I can confirm for sure is that Curup is definitely a beautiful place to live. JJJ

Wednesday, 28 February 2018


Selamat pagi sahabat everydayisgreatfriday, duh maaf ya sudah 4 bulan aku gk ngeblog dan gk share materi bahasa inggris. Hhi
Maklum ya aku juga manusia yang kadang males banget mau ngetik hhe :D
Untuk pembahasan kali ini aku bakal kupas tentang “Tag Questions” atau dalam bahasa Indonesia sering disebut sebagai “ kalimat berekor”. Tag questions ini diletakkan di akhir kalimat. Fungsinya untuk memastikan sebuah informasi. Sebuah tag questions dalam kalimat memiliki makna “ Kan/ bukan?”

Dengan demikian jika ada kalimat dengan akhiran tag questions seberti berikut, maka artinya menjadi:
1.      She doesn’t come late, does she? ( Dia gk telat, kan?)
No, she doesn’t. (Tidak)
2.      She was happy, wasn’t she? ( Dia seneng, kan?)
Yes, she was. ( Ya)
3.      We will move to Arizona this summer, won’t we? ( Kita akan pindah ke Arizona musim panas ini, kan?)
Yes, we will. ( Ya)
4.      They have never been in London, have they? (Mereka belum pernah ke London, kan?)
No, they haven’t.
Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah jika kalimat diawalnya positif maka question tag-nya negatif, sebaliknya jika kalimat diawal negatif maka question tag-nya otomatis positif.
Oh iya, jika kalimat awal positif, artinya si pembicara atau speaker mengharap jawaban postif dari si listener yang dia mintai klarifikasi, sementara jika kalimat diawal negatif maka si speaker artinya mengharap jawaban negatif.
Gimana udah kebayang gk cara buat kalimat berisi question tags? Kalo belum berikut aku kasih tabelnya ya biar lebih mudah belajarnya. :D

Simple present
Present continuous
Present perfect
Simple past
Simple future
The sun rises in the east, doesn’t it?
They’re not singing, are they?
I haven’t taken many photos, have I?
Dom suggested meeting at the gallery at seven, didn’t he?
The kids will play in the backyard, won’t they?
Indoneisa isn’t in Europe, is it?
The girls are being happy, aren’t they
Lala has been in Ikea, hasn’t she?
The dancers were nervous, weren’t they?
You won’t be  happy, will you?

Jika question tag-nya (khusus dalam bentuk simple present) digunakan untuk memastikan pernyataan kepada diri sendiri, maka ada dua cara yang bisa sahabat gunakan yaitu :
1.      I am in Surabaya, aren’t I?
Pola “ arent I?” biasa digunakan dalam spoken English.
2.      I am in Malioboro, am I not?
Pola “ am I not?” biasa digunakan dalam formal English.

1.      Dari mana saya tahu mau pake do/ does atau tobe di question tag-nya?
Ingat saja kalau kalimatnya verbal artinya mengandung verb atau kata kerja, maka gunakan auxiliary di question tag nya.
Ohya auxiliary harus sesuai ya dengan subject nya. Misalkan she, he, it, dan singular noun lainnya auxiliary-nya does.
Sedangkan untuk subject I, you, they, we, dan plural noun lainya maka auxiliary-nya do.
Sebaliknya jika kalimat tersebut nominal atau dengan kata lain tidak mengandung verb, maka gunakan lah tobe yang sesuai. Berikut subject beserta tobe-nya yang tepat:
I – am/ was/ has been/ will be
You – are/ were/ have been/ will be
They – are/ were/ have been/ will be
We – are/ were/ have been/ will be
He – is/ was/ has been/ will be
She – is/ was/ has been/ will be
It – is/ was/ has been/ will be

Untuk menguji pemahaman kita terhadap materi ‘Question Tags’ ini, silakan kerjakan latihan berikut:
1.      They haven’t seen Eiffel Tower, ...?
2.      The boys were in trouble, ...?
3.      The doctor didn’t tell my mother about my condition, ...?
4.      The carpet is clean, ...?
5.      We’re going to Maryland this week, ...?
6.      He will marry Rachel this year, ...?
7.      They cannot play basketball, ...?
8.      I am the winner, ...?
9.      Tasya went to carnaval last night, ...?
10.  Columbus has found Japan, ...?

Untuk ngecek jawaban boleh kirim ke email aku langsung di :

Terimakasih JJJ