Thursday 26 January 2017

Hello stranger!

Hello stranger!

*Originally written by Elviyasa Gaberia Siregar :)*

I am a final college student in a little town named Curup particularly in Bengkulu Province, Indonesia.

I am an English student, I learn about English sentence pattern, English grammar and also the way how to teach English to students in non English speaking countries. It is so much fun, you know you can get in touch with your students directly, you can share your knowledge with them, but yes the biggest reason is teachers are always worth for others, not only for  students.

I am always busy with my research or I should say my thesis. Besides, I am also busy with my teaching career. I teach English at one of English course here.

One day I found that it was so boring for doing thesis without having any holiday. For me the main goals of having holiday are you can exactly satisfy your eyes with all beautiful scenery, talk a lot to new people you just met, make friends with people who have different culture as yours.

Well my favorite destination is beach cause I am a sunset hunter. lol
Sunset always brings peace and I am sure I will always be okay by looking at it. It seems like all your problem will instantly dissapear just because you are looking at that wonderful piece of art!
But I have no time to see the sunset, I mean the nearby beach here is about 85 km or you can reach it by at least 2 hours riding or driving at 60 km per hours speed. O God, it is tiring. Again I can’t just enjoy the beach and the sunset while thinking about when I will finish my sh*t thesis.
Okay leave it! Then I would like to talk to new people especially those who had different culture as mine. But how?

November 15, 2016.
I looked on my dirty smartphone and got an awesome idea. I looked for an awesome chat application. Gotcha!!
It was Chat**s. I read all information provided, it was written that this application allows you to chat with people from all over the world about the topics you care about”. Then I started using that app for chatting, talking, etc.

November 20, 2016
I met a guy through that app. He was 23 y.o. He worked as an office assistant in advertisement company in his country. He was very kind to me. We exchanged our phone number and we shared many songs. Cause we had same hobby which is listening to music.
I liked him though. And he either.
He was crazy just like me. We chatted a lot here and there.

We did this for almost three months but we didn’t do it all time instead mostly in the evening cause we knew that life was not about chatting. We had other activities, we realized that we were busy with our own. We didn’t want to bother each other. We needed a little bit space.

Usually he reached at hostel at about 07.00 p.m. or 8.30 of Indonesia time. Indonesia time is one and half hour ahead. We would get our free time at up to 9 p.m. Then we  did chatting and talked until we fell asleep. Almost like that for every day.

We supported each other till it went too far.
We promised to see each other someday, it was possible. He was the best online friend of mine!
I found that he was more than a friend to me, he was my shelter. I couldn’t just start my activities without looking at his picts. Oh God. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t be in love with him.
It was so hard, he had different religion. He is a Hindu and I am a Muslim.

We couldn’t be together. I should stop this.
I thought about this idea for more than a week. In addition, yesterday I just had conversations with my teaching partners, we discussed about Islam rules and how terrible the world now is.

I realized that maybe I am not a good Muslim. I do pray for five times in a day but I have only little knowledge about Islam. O Allah I wanna do taubah. I wanna get close to You Allah.
That's why I gotta leave him, that gorgeous guy, my second wonderful piece of art, my sunset.
Okay now I am ready to leave him, I want to stay away from zinah.

In Islam it considers as bad thing if you talk to your opposite sex in order to make you feel happier. That's what I feel when I chat him, I feel happier and I am okay with it. I don’t know how to say this, but please don’t blame me!

Finally on January 25 which was just yesterday, I set up my mind. I decided to leave him. I removed that app from my smartphone. I also blocked him on my Instag**m.
I was crying for a while. But that's okay cause I like him.

Good bye my sunset J If you are my soulmate just believe in Allah that he will guide us to be together someday J But if you are not, you can  just keep me, your sunrise, in your deep heart as your best online friend who always make u feel happy.
Thank you for all crazzy things. Good bye, I will miss you forever. JJJ

Saturday 7 January 2017

“What do you look for in a girl/boy?”

Apa kabar sahabat pada kesempatan kali ini miss Elvi bakalan kasih definisi dari salahsatu slang yang sering dipakai dalam percakapan/conversation orang Amerika.

Sahabat sebelumnya miss Elvi mau tanya :

“Gimana si cara kalian tanya ke cowo atau cewe tentang tipe cewe/cowo yang mereka sukai?”

Yang udah tau jawabannya boleh silakan di keep  dulu dalam hati ya, bagi yang belum tau ayo baca penjelasan ini sampe selesai ya.

Nah kira-kira “What do you look for in a girl/boy?”adalah salah satu bentuk kalimat yang bisa sahabat gunakan untuk menanyakan tipe cowok/cewek seseorang.

Jawabannya bisa beragam mulai dari:

-          His/her personality
-          Has Positive minds
-          Polite to others
-          Clean
-          Organized
-          Etc.

Udah dulu ya penjelasan hari ini, jika ada jawaban lain boleh dipost di kolom comment dibawah ini.Terimakasih :) :) :)

Monday 2 January 2017

Translation of the week. Paper 3 ; "Traffic Police to launch e-Tilang app tomorrow to make it easier to pay traffic fines."

Translated By : Elviyasa Gaberia Siregar

Source Text

Traffic Police to launch e-Tilang app tomorrow to make it easier to pay traffic fines

By Coconuts Jakarta December 15, 2016 / 14:35 WIB

Earlier this year, the government made a public push to battle the widespread perception of corruption within the bureaucracy and law enforcement agencies. One of those ways was to introduce measures to prevent bribery, which is a particularly prevalent problem when it comes to traffic fines in Indonesia.

Tomorrow, the National Police’s Traffic Corps is launching the e-Tilang app in 17 provinces, including Jakarta, before gradually introducing it to the rest of the nation over the next couple of months. The smartphone app, which was first announced in October, enables traffic violators to pay their fines through electronic means without having to appear in court.

“It is hoped that [e-Tilang] will cut down on bureaucracy and minimize manual processes in traffic ticketing,” said Grand Commissioner Chrysnanda Dwi Laksana, head of the Law Enforcement Department at the National Police Traffic Corps, as quoted by Kompas Otomotif on Tuesday.
Photo: Kompas Otomotif
The way e-Tilang works is that, when the user commits a traffic violation, the police officer gives them a unique code through the app that contains the violation and the corresponding maximum fine. The user can then use the code to pay their fine to a Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) account through an ATM or via online banking facilities. The user then has to show the payment receipt to the officer in order to retrieve their confiscated driver’s license and/or vehicle registration documents.
Later on, should the court decide that the amount of the fine is less than the maximum fine paid for the offence, then the difference would be wired back to the user’s bank account.
The app will reportedly be available for download on Android smartphones first before being made available on other operating systems.

Target Text

Besok Polisi Lalu Lintas Meluncurkan Aplikasi e-Tilang Guna Mempermudah Pembayaran Denda Tilang

Oleh Coconuts Jakarta, 15 Desember 2016 / 14:35 WIB

Oleh Coconuts Jakarta, 15 Desember 2016 / 14:35 WIB

Di awal tahun ini, pemerintah membuat sebuah gebrakan publik untuk memerangi penyebaran persepsi tentang adanya korupsi dalam birokrasi dan pelaksanaan undang-undang. Salah satunya adalah untuk mencegah terjadinya tindak penyuapan, yang mana merupakan masalah terbesar yang harus dicegah terkait dengan adanya denda tilang di Indonesia.

Besok, Persatuan Polisi Lalul Lintas Nasional akan meluncurkan aplikasi e-Tilang di 17 provinsi, termasuk Jakarta, sebelum nantinya dalam beberapa bulan kemudian akan secara bertahap diterapkan di seluruh provinsi Indonesia. Aplikasi yang terdapat di ponsel pintar ini, pertama kali dicetuskan pada bulan Oktober, aplikasi ini  memungkinkan pelanggar lalu lintas untuk membayar denda tilang secara elektronik atau dengan kata lain tanpa harus hadir di pengadilan.

“Dengan adanya e-Tilang diharapkan e-dapat memberantas birokrasi dan meminimalisir proses manual dalam proses tilang menilang.” kata Komisaris Besar (Kombes) polisi Chrysnanda Dwi Laksana, kepala bidang pembinaan dan penegakan hukum korlantas Polri, seperti dikutip dari Kompas Otomotif pada hari Selasa.

Cara kerja e-Tilang adalah, ketika pengguna melakukan pelanggaran lalu lintas, petugas polisi akan memberikan kode unik melalui aplikasi yang berisi jenis pelanggaran dan biaya denda maksimal terkait pelanggaran. Kemudian pengguna dapat menggunakan kode tersebut untuk membayar denda terkait ke rekening Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) melalui fitur ATM atau online banking. Pengguna kemudian harus menunjukkan bukti pembayaran kepada petugas untuk dapat ditukarkan kembali dengan Surat Izin Mengemudi (SIM) atau Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan (STNK) yang telah disita.

Nantinya, pengadilanlah yang akan memutuskan besaran denda yang harus dibayar, apakah kurang atau tidak dari denda maksimal yang telah dibayar oleh pengguna, lalu jika ada selisih atau sisa uang denda, maka sisa uang tersebut akan ditransfer kembali ke nomor rekening pengguna.

Aplikasi ini dilaporkan akan tersedia untuk di unduh pada ponsel pintar berbasis Android terlebih dahulu sebelum kemudian turut tersedia pula pada sistem operasi lainnya.