A narrative poem is a poem that tells a story. Thus, it has a plot and one or more characters.
A narrative poem uses rhyming couplets. Rhyming
couplets are two lines with rhyming words and the same number of beats in each
Rhyming words:
- dream - beam
- alone - own
Rhyming couplets 7 beats per line:
- I had a really odd dream.
- I sat under the moonbeam.
Example of Narrative Poem:
I was Late
By Gabe Siregar
I had a really odd dream.
I sat under the moonbeam.
I felt all alone,
just on my own.
Then the ground was trembling.
I was shocked and crying.
friend came with her meal.
She told me it wasn’t real.
I felt very pleased,
also relieved.
I opened my eyes.
Everything looked nice.
I glanced at the clock.
It said eight o’clock.
Oh no, I was late for the class.
I had to get ready really