Saturday, 13 May 2017

Lead Vocalist of Sleeping With Sirens, Kellin Quinn, Review

Hei kiddos..

Kali ini aku mau review tentang lead vocalist band post-hardcore “Sleeping With Sirens” ya..Ayo ada yang bisa nebak siapa? Yap bener banget, dia adalah Kellin Quinn (bacanya Kellin Quan). Kalian pasti suka sama lagu-lagunya Sws karena kebanyakan liriknya yang easy to be remembered dan enak juga yang pasti melodinya.

Aku si termasuk “anak baru” ya karena aku baru dengerin lagunya Sws palingan sekitar dua bulan belakangan ini dan sejauh ini sih menurut aku OK kok. They’re killing me by their extremely cool songs.

Oh ya lagu Sleeping with sirens kesukaan aku itu If I’m James Dean You Are Audrey Hepburn, The Strays, Better Off Dead, Fly, Kick Me, With Ears To See And Eyes To Hear, dan masih banyak bet lainnya.

Band rock Sleeping with sirens dibentuk tahun 2009. Band asal Orlando, Florida ini punya 5 personil, vocalist di isi sama the hottest vocalist in this universe evahh Kellin Quinn Bostwick atau sering muncul dengan nama panggung Kellin Quinn, Gabe Barham ngisi drum, Bass guitar diisi Justin Hills, Jack Flower lead guitarnya, and the last is Nick Martin plays on rhythm guitar.

Well..I’ll only go to the lead vocal since he is my last breathe till now on,

Kellin punya dua brothers dan dua sisters. Dia korban broken home loh, his parents got divorce when he was only three! Oh goodness! But dia mampu buktiin bahwa anak broken home juga berprestasi, kece badai! Dia menciptakan lagu pertamanya di kelas 7. Kellin ini jago beatbox, ngerap, dan jago teriak, kali aja jualan cilok laris manis ya soalnya sekampung bisa denger semua :D

Kellin lahir tanggal 24 April tahun 1986 berarti di tahun 2017 ini umurnya 31 tahun, hmm tapi kok kek masih 25 tahun face gimana gitu hihi
Di tahun 2011 dia nikah sama Katelynne yang udah pernah nikah sebelumnya dan punya dua anak. Kelihatan kalo Kellin cinta kebangetan sama Katelynne sampe segitunya nikahin walaupun dia udah punya anak cowo dua lagi.

Oh ya walaupun Kate udah pernah nikah sebelumnya but dia tetep lebih muda setahun dari Kellin. Katelynne sekarang umurnya 30 tahun or a year younger than ma man Kellin.

Anak Katelynne yang dua itu namanya Liam dan Rowan. Mereka akhirnya make nama Quinn yang diambil dari middle name of their step father, so their new names are Liam and Rowan Quinn. Ain’t it cool?
Singkat cerita, setelah setahun menjalani pernikahan akhirnya di tahun 2012 lahirlah si lil gal Copeland Quinn, anak perempuan pertama pasangan Kellin dan Katelynne Quinn.

Copeland yang biasa dipanggil Coco ini cakep banget rambutnya pirang kek rambut asli dad nya, imut banget. Dia juga ngegemesin dan akur banget sama dua older brothers nya.

Oh ya dari beberapa postingan Kellin di instagram,kelihatan banget Coco deket sama dad nya dan sedikit banyak mewarisi bakat seni musik her popsHal ini bisa dilihat di postingan Kellin di instagram pribadinya @kellinquinn. Di beberapa video yang diunggah Kellin, si Coco lihai dalam bernyanyi,joget bahkan dansa!.
Yeah.. it is obvious that she is talented in either singing or dancing.

Kellin berusaha jadi dad yang baik buat Coco karena dia gk mau Coco ngalamin apa yang dia alamin dulu ketika butuh figur seorang dad but his dad wasn’t by his side. Ini salah satu quote Kellin tentang daddy:

It’s absolutely right!
Sekalian tuh baca bagi parents diluar sana yang ngerasa pernah ninggalin anak-anak mereka gitu aja tanpa ngurus dan ngerawat sama sekali!

Right the last one it’s about Pierce The Veil, yap this post-hardcore band from San Diego, California made really bestfriend with Sws.

Apalagi the siblings American-Mexican Vic and Mike Fuentes as the lead vocalist and drummer of this band, they made great bestfriends sama Kellin.

Di tahun 2012 Ptv dan Kellin buat project lagu King For A day which was awe-fuckin-some evahh!
Begitu juga di official music video untuk lagu “Circles” Pierce The Veil gk lupa nyantumin nama Sws.

Alright kiddos sampe sini dulu ya..see you next time.Bye!

Friday, 5 May 2017

Bring me back into you

Bring me back into you

I am just a small insect
I am a young  ant queen
I need tongue to suck up liquid to survive
I have wings but not for flying
Can’t you see that I have so many limits?
One day I was on my journey to seek a peaceful life with all my colony. At first it ran normal but then it was getting awful after I saw this flower.

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Many living creatures call it as a gift from God. It can be true cause indeed it deserves for that.
I leave all my colony behind just for getting closer to it
It is just different
It is solitary
That is why  I wanna stay forever with it
Then I look into its petals
They are so pretty
They are so gentle.
Then I smell it. It is very fragrant.
Then I forget who I am. Who am I?

Once again, do you believe in love at first sight?

At this time I just want to stay around it even when I am starving I don’t care
I don’t want to swallow anything
I don’t know why this weird thing happens to me
It does nothing but spreading its smell around
Yet it is just enough to make it more adorable
It does nothing and now I feel worse
Once again, would you like to remind me that I am just a “young queen” in this huge world?
Dear God, this flower drives me insane
I am staring at this Jasmine but then the flood comes inside of me
I can not even help my self for not being so nervous
Dear God, does my deepest heart recover from its sore?
Dear God, do all those things work abnormally?

At last, would you like to remind me that I am just an insect in this very big planet?

Dear my colony, would you like to bring me back into you?
I’m begging on you with all my six legs on this petal
Should I go away to fade this feeling away?

Please let me be your queen again

"Written by Elviyasa Gaberia Siregar/May 5th, 2017"